Environment Variables ===================== The server will check a number of environment variables to configure itself. Setting Environment variables ----------------------------- Environment variables can be set in many ways depending on the the OS and/or the tool used to launch the server. This is a list of common possible ways: - Windows Powershell: :code:`$env:VARIABLE_NAME = "value"` (code must be run in the same shell) - Windows Command Prompt: :code:`set VARIABLE_NAME=value` (code must be run in the same shell) !! Do not use quotes as they will be included in the value - Windows Settings: :code:`Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables` - Linux BASH: :code:`export VARIABLE_NAME=value` (code must be run in the same shell) - VSCode: :code:`launch.json > env > VARIABLE_NAME` .. code-block:: { "version": "0.2.0", "configurations": [ { ... "env": { "VARIABLE_NAME_1": "VALUE_1", ... }, ... } ] } - Docker: :code:`docker run -e VARIABLE_NAME=value ...` - Docker: :code:`docker run --env-file .env ...` where `.env` is a file with the format .. code-block:: VARIABLE_NAME_1=VALUE_1 ... VARIABLE_NAME_N=VALUE_N App variable List ----------------- Variables used by the application. .. list-table:: Title :widths: 16 16 68 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable - Default - Usage * - :code:`OCT_VERSION` - - Default set to the downloaded release version Version the :code:`run_server.py` script will attempt to install/update to. Can be either a version number (:code:`A.B.C` eg :code:`0.6.1``) or last/latest. * - :code:`OCT_AUTOUPDATE` - false - If true, the server will attempt to update the main package to the version specified by :code:`OCT_VERSION` * - :code:`OCT_BASE_DIR` - false - Path to the base directory of the project. If no other paths are configured using environment variables, the server database, plugin files and downloaded models will be stored here. * - :code:`LOAD_ON_START` - false - :code:`most`: Load the most used models and the respective languages :code:`last`: Load the last used models and languages source/destination languages and most used models for that language combination at server start * - :code:`AUTOCREATE_LANGUAGES` - false - Will force the server to automatically create/update the Language entries in the database. * - :code:`DEVICE` - cpu - Which device to use for plugins that support it. Currently allowed: cpu, cuda * - :code:`NUM_MAIN_WORKERS` - 4 - Number of `WorkerMessageQueue` workers handling incoming OCR_TSL post requests * - :code:`NUM_BOX_WORKERS` - 1 - Number of `WorkerMessageQueue` workers handling box_ocr pipelines (Should be set as 1 until the pipeline is build to handle multiple concurrent request efficiently without slowdowns) * - :code:`NUM_OCR_WORKERS` - 1 - Number of `WorkerMessageQueue` workers handling ocr pipelines (Should be set as 1 until the pipeline is build to handle multiple concurrent request efficiently without slowdowns) * - :code:`NUM_TSL_WORKERS` - 1 - Number of `WorkerMessageQueue` workers handling translation pipelines (Should be set as 1 until the pipeline is build to handle multiple concurrent request efficiently without slowdowns) run_server.py variable List --------------------------- This variables are used if running the server using the provided `run_server.py` script. This includes the windows release file and docker image that are based on the same script. .. list-table:: Title :widths: 16 16 68 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable - Default - Usage * - :code:`DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME` - admin - Username for the superuser to be created * - :code:`DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD` - password - Password for the superuser to be created * - :code:`USE_CORS_HEADERS` - false - Allow setting of CORS headers in the server responses * - :code:`CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS` - - List of semi-colon :code:`;` separated URLs that are allowed to access the server CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS is set to the same value (can use this with USE_CORS_HEADERS=false) to set CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS only EXAMPLE: :code:`CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS="http://localhost:4000;"` * - :code:`CORS_ALLOW_METHODS` - LIB default - List of semi-colon :code:`;` separated HTTP methods that are allowed to be used EXAMPLE: :code:`CORS_ALLOW_METHODS="GET;POST;PUT;DELETE;OPTIONS;PATCH"` * - :code:`CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS` - LIB default - List of semi-colon :code:`;` separated HTTP headers that are allowed to be used EXAMPLE: :code:`CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS="Content-Type;Authorization;X-CSRFToken"` * - :code:`OCT_DJANGO_BIND_ADDRESS` - - Address to bind the server to * - :code:`OCT_DJANGO_PORT` - 4000 - Port the server will listen to * - :code:`OCT_GUNICORN_USER` - current user - User to run the server as if using gunicorn. * - :code:`OCT_GUNICORN_TIMEOUT` - 1200 - Timeout for gunicorn workers * - :code:`OCT_GUNICORN_NUM_WORKERS` - 1 - Number of gunicorn workers Plugin specific variables ------------------------- See :doc:`plugins doc <../plugins/index>` Server variable List -------------------- Variables used specifically by the DJANGO server. .. list-table:: Title :widths: 25 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - Variable - Default - Usage * - :code:`DJANGO_DEBUG` - false - Whether to run the server in debug (true) or production (false) mode * - :code:`DJANGO_LOG_LEVEL` - INFO - | python `logging` level. \ | See `logging_docs`_ for allowed values * - :code:`DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS` - optional - | Add list of semi-colon :code:`;` separated IPs to the :code:`ALLOWED_HOSTS` of the server. \ | Needed if you want to host the server on a different machine than the one querying it. \ | EXAMPLE: :code:`DJANGO_ALLOWED_HOSTS=";"` \ | SEE `Django Documentation `_ for more info. * - :code:`DATABASE_NAME` - *db.sqlite3* - For `sqlite3` this is the path to the database file. For other backend it should be the name of the database * - :code:`DATABASE_ENGINE` - `django.db.backends.sqlite3` - Change this to either a Django or 3rd party provided backend to use another Database type * - :code:`DATABASE_HOST` - optional - Required if using another db back-end * - :code:`DATABASE_PORT` - optional - Required if using another db back-end * - :code:`DATABASE_USER` - optional - Probably required if using another db back-end * - :code:`DATABASE_PASSWORD` - optional - Probably required if using another db back-end .. _logging_docs: https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging-levels