Contributor’s guide

This is the guide for contributing to the main codebase of the project.

Development dependencies

When installing the python package with pip you can install various sets of optional dependencies. For development you should install django-ocr_translate (from inside a clone of your fork) with the following:

pip install .[tests,pre-commit]

If you also plan to add to the documentation than you should install the docs dependencies:

pip install .[docs]

pre-commit hooks

Once the python extra dependencies are installed, install the pre-commit hooks into your repo. These are used to enforce code style and run tests before commits. (This will be enforced on pull requests by the CI workflow, so you might as well do it from the beginning)

pre-commit install

You can also manually run the pre-commit command on all files:

pre-commit run --all-files

Note that some of the hooks will modify the files in place, so you might need to re-add them to the staging area.


If you are adding new code to the codebase, make sure to add tests for it. You can check if your code is covered by tests by running:

pytest --cov=ocr_translate --cov-report=html tests

And opening the htmlcov/index.html file generated in your working direcotry.

If you are running tests with and IDE like VSCode, make sure that the following is set in your environment.

`DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE = "mysite.settings"`